YES PRP Kit Advantages

TechnologyYES PRPComments
Requires GelNoNo potential of contamination from separation gel
Easy to Access PRPYesSegmentation of PPP in separate syringe for topical use
20cc Single Kit ConfigurationYesUp to 11cc of usable combination of PPP – PRP and Buffy Coat
Swing Arm / Slow Stop CentrifugeYesVirtually no platelet damage from centrifugation
Extraction Requiring a needleNoThreaded rod pushes yield into attached syringe for easy access and use
Red Blood Cells SegmentedYesEasy to keep RBCs out of yield and extraction
Push TransferYesNo needle required to extract PRP – Total control of yield
Filtration RequiredNoKeeps the usable yield in its purest form
Activate just prior to injectionYesThis keeps platelets in their original unimpaired state prior to being utilized
Control the volume of PPPYesAllows physician to control the concentration of PRP used with patient

Yes PRP Kit Advantages - PPP, PRP, Buffy Coat and RBC Illustration